Versions Compared


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ClaimSupportExampleDescriptionCommentEditorial comment
Minimum ID Token (scope = openid)  
iss(tick)https://preview.bankidapis.noIssuer Identifier for the Issuer  
sub(tick)9578-5999-4-1765512Subject IdentifierPersonal Identifier from BankID
(Serial number from associated BankID certificate)
nnin_altsub(warning)(info)181266*****Norwegian National Identity Number (fødselsnummer)

Alternate sub, providing eligible OIDC clients nnin as a reference to already existing users.

Only available to eligible OIDC clients

Only availble with authorization code flow. Other flows would expose nnin via the IDToken flowing through the end-user browser.

For acces to nnin for eligible OIDC clients for enrollment of new users, see Userinfo.

 Must be added
aud(tick)DotNetClientAudienceAlways includes client_id 
exp(tick)1494144386Expiration timeEpoc time 
iat(tick)1494140787Issuing timeEpoc time 
auth_time(tick)1494140786Authentication timeEpoc time 
nonce(tick)<random value>Nonce  
acr(warning)4Authentication Context Class ReferenceLevel of Assurance (LoA) for IDP option being usedMust be added 
amr(tick)BankIDAuthentication Method ReferenceName of IDP option being used 
azp(tick)DotNetClientAuthorized partyEquals client_id 
alg(tick)RS256Algorithm used to sign ID Token  
typ(tick)JWTType of key used to sign ID Token  
kid(tick)bankid-oauthID of key used to sign ID Token  
at_hash(warning)<hash value>Access Token hash value Must be added. Required for hybrid flow and implicit flow 
c_hash(tick)<hash value>Code hash valueHybrid flow 
Regular ID Token (scope = openid profile)
name(tick)Nilsen, Frode BeckmannFull nameCommonName from associated BankID certificate 
given_name(tick)Frode BeckmannGiven name (first name)  
family_name(tick)NilsenSurname (last name)  
preferred_username(tick)Nilsen, Frode BeckmannShorthand name Must be reviewed
birthdate(tick)1966-12-18BirthdateBirthDate from associated BankID certificate 
updated_at(warning)1468582440Update timeEpoc time of issuing time of associated BankID certificateMust be added