The OIDC Provider is currently available in three different pilot configurations supporting various feature combinations. All features will be consolidated into one single configuration after the pilot phase. Each of the configurations are in turn available in different environments (preview, pre-prod, prototype).

 IDP optionsSupplementary ServicesEnvironment
Pilot configurationBankIDxIDAdditional InformationPSD2PreviewPre-prodPrototype
BankID pilotX X XXX
xID pilotXXX XXX

For further details on access URLs for each of the pilot configurations, see separate pages for BankIDxID and PSD2
 See also source code on GitHub for various examples on how to implement OIDC Clients.

Please contact to request access to any of the pilot configurations in any of the environments.

The following information must be supplied by the owner of the OIDC Client that requests access. Sucessfull enrollment will result in the return of a client_id and a client_secret to the application owner.