Login hints

The exact behaviour for the BankID IPD can be controlled by the OIDC Client by suppling the proper values to the login_hint parameter in requests to the Authorize endpoint: 

""An empty value implies that the end user is presented with a selector dialog to determine of BankID netcentric (BID) og BankID on Mobile (BIM) is used. In either case the user has to type inn his userID in the first dialogue (ie. f.nr. for BID and mobilnr/f.dato for BIM)
"BID"BankID netcentric is pre-selected and shown to the user. The user has to type inn his userID in the first dialogue (ie. f.nr)
":07025312345"rompted for choice of BankID version, but Norwegian national number is used for BID and birthday is used for BIM (first 6 digits).

JavaScript Connector
