Userinfo claims


sub(tick)9578-5999-4-1765512Subject Identifier 
name(tick)Nilsen, Frode BeckmannFull name 
given_name(tick)Frode BeckmannGiven name (first name) 
family_name(tick)NilsenSurname (last name) 
middle_name(warning) Middle NameREV
nickname(error) Casual name 
preferred_username(tick)Nilsen, Frode BeckmannShorthand nameREV
profile(error) Profile page URL 
picture(error) Picture URL 
website(error) Homepage URL 
email(warning) Preferred emailREV
email_verified(warning) Email verification statusREV
gender(warning) GenderREV
zoneinfo(error) Time zone 
locale(error) Locale 
phone_number(tick)95871775Preferred phone numer 
phone_number_verified(tick)falsePhone number verification status 
address(tick){ "formatted": "Lybekkveien 11C\n0772 Oslo\nNorway", "country": "Norway", "street_address": "Lybekkveien 11C", "postal_code": "0772", "locality": "Oslo", "house_number": "11", "house_letter": "C", "street_name": "Lybekkveien" }Postal address 
all_phone_numbers {"number":"95871775","number_verified":false},{"number":"46897469","number_verified":false},{"number":"94782958","number_verified":false}  






BankID OIDC also integrates with a service to provide additional information like private address and phone number for the end-user being authenticated.

ontains a consent dialog allowing the user to accept or deny use of any additional information the BankID OIDC Service may provide. 

Characteristics of BankID OIDC access_tokens


Resources managed/authorized by the BankID OIDC Service get a “public” access_token (“one access_token to rule them all”). When an OIDC Client uses scope (or default scope) to define what resources it needs authorization for, the issued access_token can be used for all those resources. The resources must call the introspect endpoint in order to verify that it is the correct audience/resource for this access_token as well as getting returned the access_token contents/claims. Resources are expected to cache/cookie this information so there’s no need to call introspect for every incoming request with the same access_token.


The introspect endpoint demands basic authentication with the resource’s client_id and client_secret so that it knows what resource it is dealing with. 


Another policy is to have “private” access_tokens. That means each resource has their own access_token issued and encrypted with their client_secret/resource_secret. This would remove the need to call introspect in order to validate and get claims, but it will be difficult for the client to keep track of all the access_tokens issued to individual resource services. AAD is doing this and using the refresh_token to ask for more scope (new resources). This would work as long as the refresh_token is issued for the same resource owner (end-user).


"Private access_tokens" are currently not supported. Refresh_tokens are also not implemented. The rationale is that the supported “public” implementation is considered to more efficient (provided the caching we mentioned).