The OIDC Provider from BankID currently supports authentication via the following set of IDP. More options may be added in the future. 

 A key feature at the heart of the OIDC Provider is to always associate any non-BankID identity for any given end-user to a BankID for that user, thus enhancing the level of assurance for non-BankID IDPs. Such a link may be established either at create-time for a non-BankID identity (which is the case for xID), or at use-time when the non-BankID identity is used for the first time via the OIDC Provider. In the latter case a step-up to BankID is automatically performed by the OIDC platform at first-time use.

Sucessful authentication results in an ID Token. The ODIC platform from BankID provide ID Tokens with uniform characteristics regarless of the IDP being used in any particular case.