Endpoint (standard)
AuthenticationBearer  (Default Token)

BankID OIDC has implemented an UserInfo enpoint. It is implemented as a resource server and expects an access_token as a Bearer token. There are no parameters. This service is the only way to get the nnin (fødselsnummer) of the authenticated user.

Request parameters

Support CORS??

Sjekk: signering av JSON med userinfo

Er det riktig at iss, iat og exp inngår i Userinfo??

Response elements

Example response from /userInfo:

"sub": "9578-6000-4-127698",
"iss": "https://preprod.bankidapis.no",
"iat": 1485866449,
"exp": 1485870048,
"preferred_username": "Testesen, Test",
"name": "Testesen, Test",
"given_name": "Test",
"family_name": "Testesen",
"birthdate": "1980-03-09",
"nnin": "09038000010"