The TINFO service ("Tilleggsinfo") implements Userinfo being a Protected Resource endpoint. This service supports claims about the authenticated user beyond what is contained directly in the ID Token. The set of supported scopes and claims are described in the following section, followed by a description of consent handling for the supported scopes. The type of Access Token that grants access to Userinfo is also described.

The following table summarizes how the TINFO service impacts key features of the OIDC Provider:

IDP optionsNone (all supported options are availble)
Resource endpoint(s)Adds support for the Userinfo endpoint
Authorize endpointAdds support for a small set of non-standard scopes and claims
Token endpointNone (userinfo accepts Access Tokens of the default type)

Scopes and claims

The set of claims returned via Userinfo depends on the scopes requested by the OIDC Client. Five different configurations are supported as suggested by the below table, corresponding to the standard scopes profileemailphone and  address and the non-standard scope nnin. Note that some of the claims associated with the profile scope are returned with the ID Token whereas others are returned via Userinfo.

The standard claims isssub, aud and updated_at are always returned in the Userinfo response.

Most of the claims require consent from the end user as indicated by (thumbs up) in the table. 

Note that the nnin claim does not require consent from the end-user. The rationale is to continue the current BankID practise to provide this data element as a silent side-effect of the authentication to specific OIDC Clients that have lawful rights (or obligations) to register such data. Since such business (banks, insurance companies, health-care organizations, etc.) normally use nnin rather than sub (the BankID PID) as the reference for the end-user it must be possible to perform a basic authentication, ie. requesting an ID Token along with just nnin from Userinfo without presenting the user with any consent screen. The nnin cannot be part of the ID Token for privacy reason since the ID Token for several of the supported flows is passed via the User-agent. The practise to provide nnin as an non-consented claim is regulated in the end-user license agreement (EULA) for all of the supported IDP options

Apart from the nnin scope that is available only to designated OIDC Clients, note that all other scopes and claims are available to any OIDC Client. The end-user is always in control of the set of claims that is actually returned since all other claims demand consent from the end-user.

The OIDC Provider from BankID supports signed responses from Userinfo.

ClaimSupportExampleDescriptionCommentEditorial comment
iss(tick)https://preview.bankidapis.noIssuer Identifier for the Issuer  
sub(tick)9578-5999-4-1765512Subject Identifier  
aud(tick)DotNetClientAudienceAlways includes client_id 
updated_at(tick)(warning)1468582440Update timeEpoc time of latest update of any data element behind any of the supported claimsMust be added
Profile ( scope = profile )
gender(tick)(warning) (thumbs up) MaleGenderGender derived from National Identity Number from associated BankID certificateMust be added
Email ( scope = email )
email(tick)(warning) (thumbs up)frobnil@something.comPreferred email Must be added
email_verified(tick)(warning)falseVerification status of preferred email Must be added
all_emails(info) (warning)(thumbs up){{"email":"","email_verified":false},{"email":"","email_verified":false}}Alle emails with verification status Must be added
Phone ( scope = phone )
phone_number(tick) (thumbs up)95871775Preferred phone numer  
phone_number_verified(tick)falseVerification status of preferrred phone numerDepending on the source for the number. Numbers for BankID on Mobile are regarded as verified.Numbers from other sources may also be regarded verified.
all_phone_numbers(info) (thumbs up){{"number":"95871775","number_verified":false},{"number":"46897469","number_verified":false},{"number":"94782958","number_verified":false}}All phone numbers with verification status  
Address ( scope = address )
address(tick) (thumbs up){ "formatted": "Lybekkveien 11C\n0772 Oslo\nNorway", "country": "Norway", "street_address": "Lybekkveien 11C", "postal_code": "0772", "locality": "Oslo", "house_number": "11", "house_letter": "C", "street_name": "Lybekkveien", "verified": false }Preferred postal addressStandardized claim with both standardized and non-standard sub-claims 
address.verified(info)(warning)falseVerification status of preferred postal address Must be added
address.formatted(tick) (thumbs up)Lybekkveien 11C\n0772 Oslo\nNorwayFull mailing address  
address.street_address(tick) (thumbs up)Lybekkveien 11CFull street address  
address.locality(tick) (thumbs up)OsloCity or locality  
address.postal_code(tick) (thumbs up)0772Postal code (thumbs up)NorwayCountry  
address.street_name(info) (thumbs up) Lybekkveien

 Street name component from street_address

 To be reviewed
address.house_numer(info) (thumbs up) 11House number component from street_address To be reviewed
address.house_letter(info) (thumbs up) CHouse letter component from street_address To be reviewed
all_addresses(info) (warning)(thumbs up){{ "formatted": "Lybekkveien 11C\n0772 Oslo\nNorway", "country": "Norway", "street_address": "Lybekkveien 11C", "postal_code": "0772", "locality": "Oslo", "house_number": "11", "house_letter": "C", "street_name": "Lybekkveien", "verified": false }, { "formatted": "Munkedamsveien 45A\n0250 Oslo\nNorway", "country": "Norway", "street_address": "Munkedamsveien 45A", "postal_code": "0250", "locality": "Oslo", "house_number": "45", "house_letter": "A", "street_name": "Munkedamsveien", "verified": false } }All addresses with verification status Must be added
National Identity Number ( scope = nnin )
nnin(info)181266*****Norwegian National Identity Number (fødselsnummer)  

Consent handling

According to default handling.

Access Tokens

Uses default tokens The service behind Userinfo performs Introspection to determine the specific set of claims that the token should gain access to.