AuthenticationNone (public)
Request parametersNone
Response elementsThe response is a JSON structure according to standard.
ExampleSee below

Openid-configuration is a standard endpoint that returns a JSON-formatted response containing configuration metadata in terms of key properties of the OIDC Provider. Among other things this endpoint is used to token signature validation.


Below is an example response for the OIDC Provider in its current BankID pilot configuration in pre-production:

"standard_bankid", "address", "phone",
"nnin", "openid", "profile",
"code", "token", "id_token",
"id_token token", "code token", "code id_token",
"code id_token token"
"query", "fragment", "form_post"
"RS256", "none"
"client_secret_post", "client_secret_basic"
"preferred_username", "name", "sub",
"iat", "iss", "auth_time",
"exp", "birthdate", "nonce",
"amr", "azp", "bid_code",
"aud", "at_hash", "c_hash",
"nnin", "address", "phone"
"login_hint_supported":"[BIM|BID][:\\d{11}][:\\d{8}][:\\d{6}] for respectively client_type, nnin, phoneNo, birthday",
"serverVersion":"bankid-oauth-api 1.2.0"