
POST with parameters as application/x-www-form-urlencoded data

Request parametersSee below
Response elementsJSON structure according to standard containing relevant attributes for the Access Token in question
ExampleSee below

Introspect is a standard endpoint used by Resource Servers to determine the particuar Authentication Context for a by-reference Access Token. A Resource Server needs such information to validate incomming tokens before granting access to Proteted Resources it hosts. Note in contrast that  self-contained Access Tokens can be validated by a Resource Server without calling the Introspection endpoint. Each of the particular types of by-reference tokens  supported by the OIDC Provider from BankID have corresponding support in the Introspect endpoint.

Request parameters

token(tick)String value of the by-reference token
token_hint(error)Not supported


Below is an example response for the default bearer token from the OIDC Provider in its current BankID pilot configuration in pre-production:

"active": true,
"client_id": "Postman",
"username": "5fa97f18-479f-4a8f-86d5-bfadc5d69cd9",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"scope": "openid",
"iss": "https://preprod.bankidapis.no",
"iat": 1494664610,
"exp": 1494668210