A key feature of the OIDC Provider from BankID is to handle consent from the end-user to authorize OIDC Clients to access Protected Resources on behalf of the end-user (resource owner).  Consent handling takes place on a per scope basis and the end-user normally gives his consent in a dialogue tailored to the scope(s) in question. Since consent handling happens after the authentication phase of the message flow, any consent dialogue is the same across all supported IDPs. This results in uniform consent handling and is a key characteristic of the OIDC Provider from BankID.

The ability to handle partial consents is another key characteristic of the OIDC Provider from BankID. The request from an OIDC Client for a given scope will most oftenly concern several claims. Partial consent referes to situation when the end-user gives his consent for some of the affected claims, but not all of them. The OIDC Provider will in such a case return a successful authentication, at the same time making note of the sub-set of claims that was actually consented. Consented claims are made available to the OIDC Client subsequently. either as part of the ID Token or as part of the response from an endpoint of a Resource Server associated with any kind of Protected Resource supported by the OIDC Provider. Un-consented claims are not made available to the requesting OIDC Client.

The following figure illustrates consent handling for scopes that are related to ID Tokens and associated profile data (Userinfo).  (Referred to as default consent handling).

<figur her>

<Forklarende ettertekst her>

Consent handling for scopes related to uses-cases under PSD2 are described separately.