The OIDC Provider from BankID supports codification of amr values as part of the login_hint request parameter to the Authorize endpoint. Hence, pre-selection of the xID IPD can be governed by suppling proper values as shown in the following table. The OIDC Client may alternatively use the xID Connector to select the xID IDP and govern its behaviour.

XIDDefault. Corresponds to XID:onclick
XID:onclickThe merchant presents a XID-button to the end-user. Initiating XID in this way is the result of an intent from the end-user and results in step-up to BankID whenever required. XID always returns sucess, unless the end–user aborts any BankID-stepup in progress.

The merchant automatically initiate XID on page visit/load without any prior click on an XID-button from the end-user. Since initiating XID in this way is not an intent from the end-user, step-up to BankID never happens. XID returns sucess only if the end-user device is recognized by XID.