Access Tokens can be categorized in two classes: 

In either case, the resulting token (value) is ment for use as a standard Bearer Tokens in the request to the value-added service for which the token regulates access.

The Authorization Context of an Access Token referes to attributes such as:

The Default Acess Token in this release of the OIDC Provider from BankID has its origin from Apache CXF and has the following characteristics:

The default token has generic characteristics and can be used as a general-purpose token unless a more specific or tailor-made token is desired. The default token is public since it can be used by any Value-added Service (VAS) that is registered with (and hence trust) the OIDC Provider from BankID. The default token is used by the TINFO-service.

See the list of supported Value-added Services (VAS) for further information of Access Tokens for each such service.