Here you will find information about the following:

  • Planned releases for KMF.
  • Previous releases for KMF.
  • Planned major releases.
  • Previous major releases.
  • Currently known issues.

We have released a new version of BankID. It was deployed on november 22nd 2017.

The release comes in two flavours - Merchant and Bank.

The documentation is now moved to confluence and we have separated the documentation into Open, Merchant and Bank.

To access merchant and Bank we will have to add you before you get access - this is a one time process. Please note that for most users the open documentation is enough, you will only need merchant access for implementing a merchant site or bank access if you are implementing a bank site.

If you don't have access to the documentation and need it - please add your name here: (you will need to create a password first - then add e-mail addresses). Sorry of the inconvenience.



Link to documentation:


Link to documentation:

Link to software: Kiev Software Bank


Link to documentation:

Link to software: Kiev Software Merchant

Planned release overview 

ReleaseETADescriptionRelated KMFComments
MGMFETo be decidedMGMFE compability with TLS versions higher than 1.0

The patch was released Week 26 2017. However rolled back as there was reported some problems with the patch.
BankID DatabaseTo be decidedMigrate BankID Database from Oracle 11g to 12c. Oracle will soon stop support for Oracle database 11g.

Active KMF issues in JIRA

Currently known issues

Please see known issues here.

Downloadable unofficial builds:

These unofficial builds are meant for testing purposes. The following release note describes the intended improvements and bug fixes.

Please make note that the unofficial builds are to be used only in agreement with BankID Support and keep in mind that there is no support provided on unofficial builds in general.

NameRelease note

Previous releases

Release nameRelease dateRelease notes or KMF
Kiev22.11.2017BankID Releasenotes Kiev

Closed KMF issues in JIRA

Recently updated