Signing of documents and text with merchant and user-certificates with both BankID and BankID on Mobile is now supported through the OIDC platform.

Two different flows exist for these signing processes. For a full implementation guide, please see the Signing Implementation Guide. A brief explanation of these flows follows:

  • Simplified flow:
    Can be used for signing of a text with both BankID (BID) and BankID on Mobile (BIM). 
    The simple flow utilizes the authorize-endpoint and adds a new scope called "sign". When the sign-scope is selected, the merchant can add a "sign_txt"-attribute which must be a base64-encoded string.
  • Full flow:
    Can be used for signing text, xml-files and pdf-files.
    The full flow introduces a new resource-server at "{signdoc-baseurl}/signdoc". This flow can only be used with BankID (BID), and not with BankID on Mobile (BIM).
    The merchant needs to start a signing process by retrieving a bearer token with a client-credential-grant. 
    A request must then be sent by POST to the "{signdoc-baseurl}/signdoc" containing a header with the bearer token, and one or more documents attached in the body. The response from this endpoint will then contain a sign_id which will be used later.
    Next, the merchant can start a flow at the authorize-endpoint with scope=sign&sign_id=[sign_id from upload].
    The status of the sign_id must be checked in the background with a GET to the "{signdoc-baseurl}/signdoc" .
    When the signing is completed, the signing-results can be downloaded and the session cleaned up with a DELETE to the "{signdoc-baseurl}/signdoc" .

For further information, please refer to the following:

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